Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Year of Yes Experiment

Chicago is a great place.  I've been here nearly 18 months and I've come to love everything the city has to offer...almost everything.  As a single woman, I'd love to enjoy Chicago with someone (or many someones as I search for the right someone).  However, I'm finding that's not so easy.

In fact, lately it's been horrible.  I hate it.

Dating has been painful and I needed to do something cathartic and healing after the onslaught of bad experiences.  My first thought was to read stories about women who had experienced similar dating mishaps or watch a show that would make me see the funny side of these awful experiences. But as I thought back to the stories, movies, and shows that reflect dating and the craziness that ensues I find that my personal story is not represented.  While I'm now in the Sex in the City age range, I don't really identify with Carrie and her girlfriends because I don't spend every cent I have on designer clothes and shoes.  I love Girls, but I've already gone through my 20-something angst, and that doesn't really reflect my life.  I'm 35, I live in Chicago, I'm pretty frugal, and I don't have the time or patience to deal with bullshit.

So here I am writing this blog for myself...and anyone else who might want to relate their bad dating experiences.

Let's start from the beginning.

I moved to Chicago after a break-up with my boyfriend of 3.5 years. While it probably sounds pathetic, I just couldn't stay in Seattle.  I loved my friends and the city, but I needed to leave and start a new life on my own. When I first moved in June 2013 I met one of my favorite people in Chicago, my co-worker Lauren.  Extremely intelligent, witty, honest, and kind, Lauren had all the qualities a person would want in a friend.  Lauren has been known to give her friends "the business" and let them know ways in which they limit themselves.  It's a great quality and one I appreciate a lot.  Last fall, I was on the receiving end of the business. Lauren advised me that I said "no" a lot. Too much, in fact.  She told me that when it came to work and life I was a go-getter but when it came to dating, I was negative and limited myself.  She was absolutely right.

So I decided to change things.  I ordered a book Lauren recommended, The Year of Yes, and decided that on January 1, 2014, I would sign up for as a way to begin opening myself up to new experiences. While the book was just okay, the message was valuable and I realized I needed to stop saying no so much. 

Well, here we are 10 months later and I'm dying to stop the Year of Yes.  It sucks, especially lately. But I promised myself that I'd do this for a year, so I will stay the course.

In the meantime, I will rehash the crap I've dealt with and document new experiences (good and bad) to try and understand, reflect, forgive, move on, and ultimately improve myself.  I hope that in time, things will improve and I'll finally meet someone with whom I have chemistry, I find attractive, and who can kiss.  (Kissing or lack of satisfying kissing is a theme.)  Is that too much to ask?

And if anyone ever reads this, feel free to provide your feedback.